The multidomain push sending option is ideal for those who manage a network of sites and have Pushloop installed on all domains.
This tool allows you to send the same push notification to all sites in your network, ensuring consistency and simplicity. However, it is important to note that even if the push is sent to multiple domains, the landing URL remains unique. This means that anyone receiving the push from a domain A, B, or C will always land on the URL of domain A, i.e., the domain specified as the landing URL when creating the push.
There are 2 ways to send push from the Pushloop app:
- You can send a push for an individual domain by going to “Manage Sites,” clicking on the “Pushes” button next to the desired domain, and clicking on “+ Create New Push” to access the “Send New Push” area. In this area, you can create and send the push, but it will only be sent to the domain you have selected. For more details on how to do this, you can refer to this guide.
- Send the push by going through “Manage Push”
Send Push Multidomain: instructions
Access “Manage Pushes” from your Pushloop panel.
Click on “+ Create Pushes” to access the “Send New Push” area.

On this screen you will find an additional field called “Site (Required),” a drop-down menu that allows you to select one or more domains from your network.
Select the domains to which you wish to send the notification. You can select all domains or just a few. Once you have finished selecting the domains you are interested in sending the push to, a count of the selected domains will be shown.

Once you have configured all the push details, click on “Send Now.”
What Happens After Submission
Pushloop will create a separate push for each selected domain, which means that on “Manage Pushes” you will see a list with a notification for each individual site. This allows you to monitor the performance of the push on each domain, providing detailed statistics for each site in your network.
Multi-domain push sending makes managing your notifications simple and centralized, while maintaining precise control over each domain.